With the desire to increase the choice of meals for tourists, especially those who love grilled food - Phuong Hoang restaurant was born. The restaurant specializes in serving Hotpot and Grill, each combo will include 15 dishes, you can freely choose the dishes you love at the restaurant.
Phoenix Restaurant is located next to Hai Long Ho area, with an airy location, harmonious between mountains and lakes, easy to admire the natural scenery. The restaurant starts welcoming guests from 10:30 and closes at 22:00.
Time frame 1: From 10:30 to 17:00 - Serving Hotpot Combo/ Grill Combo
Time frame 2: From 17:00 to 22:00 - Serving Hotpot Combo/ Grill Combo + Alacarte
Don't miss Phoenix restaurant when you come to Nui Than Tai hot spring park.